Jeremy Sparagon
frontend developer with a background in photography and graphic design.
amateur perfumer, night owl


FADE logo

Several years ago, I began to get serious about scents. I was in college and could barely afford a bottle of perfume, but I managed to find a signature scent: Sigil Prima Materia. However, the company folded, and I was left trying to figure out how they came up with that incredible scent.

That began my interest in perfumery, as I tried to mix essential oils to replicate my favorite fragrance. More recently, I’ve been working through about 100 “classic” aromachemicals, and getting serious about formulating and documenting my work.

I have also been doing some preliminary brand development for when I finally feel my formulations are good enough to sell. I’ve had an interest in commercial photography and marketing for as long as I’ve been collecting fragrances, and have been trying to combine that with my web dev skills in service of this possible future brand.

(Re: the products listed – Initially, I thought this would be a combined skincare/fragrance line, but soon realized that would require much more R&D than I could do myself or afford to contract out.)

Phase 3

FADE skincare website phase 3

Phase 2

FADE skincare website phase 2

Phase 1

FADE skincare website phase 1